Thursday, September 19, 2013

Christmas Stocking a les laines

So last week, when I bought my hill of sweaters, I knew some of them weren't suitable for mittens, or puppets or hot water bottle covers.
What I did know, is that they would be very suitable for Christmas Stockings!
Yes, Stockings!
With that idea in my mind, I went crazy.
Here is my first one.
 I was thinking of different designs to make when a post by Betz White popped up.
They were perfect. And to make it even better, I owned her book, Warm Fuzzies, with the pattern in it.
 I just couldn't stop myself! I'm so pumped to make more, 
but I must make the cashmere linings for my mittens. 
And add a few embellishments to these new babies.


1 comment:

  1. These are FABULOUS!
    Unfortunately (well, not for me - I LOVE mine), I am using the same stocking that my parents had made for me when I was born.... so I'm not going to switch..... but I'm trying to think of someone who neeeeds one.....
